The first time I heard the phrase “Separation of Mosque and State,” I was stunned. I had never heard the term Secular Muslim before and it took several seconds for it to sink in. I’ve met many since, but it was a foreign concept then. Until recently, I (like many) didn’t associate Faithful Muslims or Muslim Americans with the terms: Love of Country or Freedom Lovers. It just never occurred to me. I had let myself become jaded and biased by the 24 hour news cycle of half-truths, spin and the red meat thrown out to attract consumers. My perception however, has been changed significantly since the violent assault on our country in 2001. The change is mostly due to Muslims like Dr. M. Zuhdi Jasser.

He’s the author of Battle for the Soul of Islam, a Nuclear Cardiologist and Veteran of the United States Navy. He was born an American son of Syrian immigrants who fled the oppressive Baath regime of their homeland to embrace the freedoms and opportunities offered by the West. He grew up understanding how precious these freedoms and opportunities are.

He was able to get his Medical Degree with the help of a Navy Scholarship in exchange for which, he took the same oath I did:

…support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic…

He served for eleven years and achieved the rank of Lieutenant Commander.

It is his passion for freedom that led to an invitation to speak at the Oslo Freedom Forum.

His devotion to his faith, his country and his oath were reflected in his open letter to Terrorist and Terrorism Instigator, Imam Anwar al-Awlaki published March 18th, 2010:

It is you who is evil and this nation and its people who are blessed. This nation gave my family the freedom and liberty to practice Islam in a way that no majority Muslim nation has ever allowed. I was raised learning to pray, fast, give charity, build mosques, and help those in need in the character of my faith as a result of the free environment of this United States.

His vocal opposition to Political Islam also led to Jasser becoming appointed to the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF).

Jasser is also Founder and President of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy (AIFD). According to the NGO’s About page, the AIFD is an:

…American Muslim organization directly confronting the ideologies of political Islam and openly countering the common belief that the Muslim faith is inextricably rooted to the concept of the Islamic State (Islamism).

Under Jasser’s leadership, AIFD has launched two separate initiatives to counter Political Islam, the Muslim Liberty Project (MLP) & American Islamic Leadership Coalition (AILC).

•          AILC Mission Statement:

As American Muslim leaders, we come together to defend the US Constitution, uphold religious pluralism, protect American security and cherish genuine diversity in the practice of our faith of Islam.

•          MLP Mission Statement:

•        The mission of the Muslim Liberty Project is to advocate awareness of individual liberty by aligning core principles of Islamic pluralism with the larger American community and being a voice of the silent majority.

•        The Muslim Liberty Project targets young Muslims ages 15-30 for dialogue on Muslim reform, separation of mosque and state, and the adaptation of young Muslims to modernity.

•        MLP advocates awareness of individual liberty by aligning core principles of Islamic pluralism with the larger American community and being a voice of the silent majority.

•        MLP empowers youth, develops resources, engages the community, and develops future leaders.

Jasser’s tireless work toward rehabilitating the image of Islam, the reformation of it, the education and empowerment of youth and vocal condemnation of Religious Oppression in the face of aggressive and slanderous opposition all while maintaining his medical practice has earned the Warrior Citizen’s respect and gratitude. He’s is a man who understands and appreciates Freedom. That is why; Dr. M. Zuhdi Jasser is my pick for Warrior Citizen of the Month.

I’ve written about him before. You can read my previous posts here & here.

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